What shaped me?

What can I get you? How can I help you?

I am used to committing hard from my teenage years. My experience in hospitality (I spent almost a year in total working in hotels in Germany, Austria, France, and Czechia) taught me about precarious working conditions and the hard labour of keeping customers satisfied. Since that time, I usually overtip the waiters and highly respect all workers who work in the service sector (and elsewhere).

Information Science and Brno Science

My studies in Brno (the second-largest city in Czechia) at Masaryk University brought me an entirely different perspective. I am not overstating when I say that Brno changed my life. Besides the field knowledge and academic title, attending a university gave me an ethical compass (yes, humanities matter) and my most valuable friendships. These contacts helped me find exciting work opportunities and fostered my passion for cycling and music. In Brno, I could explore structures and hierarchies, invent and join multiple projects, volunteer, and think about my role in the society.


I am healing from depression and have been visiting a therapist for about eight years regularly now. I try to be open about my condition as much as possible, and even write about my experience (in Czech, English version coming soon). In my opinion, therapy is an invaluable tool for introspection and dealing with different topics that come up in life. However, having the time and funds to heal from past traumas and consult them with a specialist is a privilege in Czechia. I would love to live in a world where this is normal and accessible for everyone.


That’s me. Do you want to read about projects I have participated in? Find out